HOLLYWOOD FILM FESTIVALTM OUR MISSION Searching the world for today’s most inspiring films and tomorrow’s most exceptional emerging filmmakers. Inviting only the very best to showcase their work in Hollywood while empowering them with the vast resources the entertainment capital of the world. Fueling their future success by promoting their talent to the global entertainment industry. OUR VALUE Leveraging the vast storytelling resources, iconic legacy, and global gravitas of Hollywood on an international industry stage to drive economic and social value for all our stakeholders in support of the arts, sciences, and technology. All in celebration of the global entertainment industry, the advancement of human knowledge, and facilitation of greater cultural dialogue through the power of cinematic storytelling. OUR WORK Organizing an annual Global Competition to search the world for today’s most inspiring stories and tomorrow’s most exceptional cinematic storytellers. Hosting Industry Celebrations to honor excellence and promote the vast resources, imagination, and innovation Hollywood offers the global entertainment industry. Leading Audience Conversations on the impact Hollywood makes on the screen and in the lives of audiences around the world. |